The Bookshop

George Hancock Rare Books specialises in selling rare and collectible books and works on paper in a range of collecting fields, including antiquarian, literature, travel, autographs & manuscripts and fine bindings. Please find in the Bookshop a representative sample of my carefully curated offering.

The Bookshop

(BOWIE, David, & ROCK, Mick.) Moonage Daydream. The Life and Times of Ziggy Stardust.
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(BLAKE, William.) Illustrations of the Book of Job. The Engravings and related material with Essays, Catalogue of States and printings, Commentary on the Plates & Documentary Record by David Bindman.
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A collection of photographs of the Middle East compiled during WWI by Captain Richard Mountford Pigott.
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A collection of photographs of the Middle East, covering Palestine, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, Nazareth, Galilee, Haifa, and Egypt, compiled in 1936 by a British Visitor.
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A collection of photographs of the Middle East, compiled between 1942-1946, by a British RAF Serviceman.
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A collection of photographs of the Middle East, compiled in 1943 and 1944, by a British RAF Serviceman.
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A Vintage 1962 Christmas Greetings Card, Signed by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
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A Vintage 1965 Christmas Greetings Card, Signed by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
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A Vintage 1966 Christmas Greetings Card, Signed by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
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(FRINK, Elisabeth.) Etchings illustrating Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales'.
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(Seuss, Dr.) Signed Original Drawing Of The Lorax.
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(TWAIN, Mark.) CLEMENS, Samuel. Autograph Letter Signed.
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(LEWIS, Michael.) The Navy of Britain. A Historical Portrait. COSWAY STYLE BINDING WITH UNIQUE PROVENANCE.
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(Thackeray, William Makepeace). Vanity Fair. A Novel Without A Hero. COSWAY STYLE BINDING WITH UNIQUE PROVENANCE.
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(CARRE, John Le.) The Pigeon Tunnel. Signed Limited Edition.
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(PIPER, John & GIROUARD, Mark.) John Piper’s Stowe. With An Introduction By John Piper and Commentary By Mark Girouard.
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(QUEEN ELIZABETH II.) A Vintage Presentation Portrait Photograph. Signed by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
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(BOYD, William.) A Good Man In Africa.
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(BANKSY.) Wall and Piece.
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(CARRE, John Le.) Silverview. A Limited Edition.
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(READ, Herbert.) Mutations of the Phoenix.
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(LANDER, Richard and John.) Journal of an Expedition to Explore the Course and Termination of The Niger; with a Narrative of a Voyage Down That River to its Termination. 
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(HANLEY, James.) The German Prisoner. INSCRIBED by the Author.
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(RANKIN, Ian.) Not Just Another Saturday.
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(MIEGE, Guy.) A Relation of Three Embassies from his Sacred Majestie Charles II to the Great Duke of Muscovie, The King of Sweden, and The King of Denmark.
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(DUARTE, Orlando & BELLOS, Alex.) Pele. The Autobiography. Limited & Numbered Edition.
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STEINBECK (John). The First Watch.
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(FROST, Robert.) Accidentally on Purpose.
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(FROST, Robert.) My Objection to Being Stepped On.
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(FROST, Robert. Edited by NASH, Ray.) Fifty Years of Robert Frost: A Catalogue of the Exhibition held in Baker Library in the Autumn of 1943.
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(FROST, Robert.) The Library of Congress Presents Robert Frost Reading His Poems Under the Auspices of The Gertrude Clarke Whittall Poetry and Literature Fund.
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(MANTEL, Hilary.) Wolf Hall. Inscribed First Printing.
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(SENDAK, Maurice.) Milk In The Batter! Milk In The Batter! We Bake Cake! And Nothing's The Matter! A Signed Fine Art Print. 
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(SENDAK, Maurice.) In Celebration of Maurice Sendak. Signed Poster.
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Richard E. Byrd Inscribed Photograph to Louis Fabian Bachrach.
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(MANTEL, Hilary.) A Unique Set Of The Wolf Hall Trilogy. All Signed, First UK Impressions. Accompanied with an Autograph Note Signed, Wolf Hall Bookmark & Reading guide, Wolf Hall Slipcase & Postcard.
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(MANTEL, Hilary.) Wolf Hall.
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(CARRE, John Le.) The Spy Who Came in the From the Cold.
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(BELL, Gertrude Lowthian.) The Arab War Confidential Information for General Headquarters from Gertrude Bell being despatches reprinted from the Secret "Arab Bulletin”.
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(MANDELA, Nelson.) The Illustrated Long Walk to Freedom.
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THOMAS MANN – Signed and Inscribed Photograph.
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(KALDEWEY PRESS.) The Song Of Songs.
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Postcards Of Photographs Taken By The Members Of The 1922 Everest Expedition.
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(MORIN, Victor.) La Cuisine Décorative Moderne. Dressages Et Formules Pour l'Exécution.
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(SYDENHAM, Thomas.) Observationes Medicae circa Morborum Acutorum Historiam et Curationem.
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(CLÉNARD, NICOLAUS.) Peregrinationum, ac de rebus Machometicis epistolae elegantissimae.
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(FLEMING, Alexander.) Signed & Inscribed Photograph To Arnold Sorsby.
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(KEMPIS, THOMAS  À.) De Imitatione Christi Libri IV.
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(BOLINGBROKE, Henry St. John, Viscount.) Letters, on the Spirit of Patriotism: On the Idea of a Patriot King: and On the State of Parties, At the Accession of King George the First.
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(LE CARRE, John.) Smiley's People.  
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(HALE, Sir Matthew.) Historia Placitorum Coronae, The History of the Pleas of The Crown.
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Abbey Church Bath Chromolithograph
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Charlcombe Church Near Bath Chromolithograph
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The Lambeth Apocalypse. Manuscript 209 in Lambeth Palace Library. A Limited Edition.
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(CLARKE, Samuel.) A collection of papers, which passed between the late learned Mr. Leibnitz, and Dr. Clarke, in the years 1715 and 1716. Relating to the principles of natural philosophy and Religion.
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(SADLER, John.) Rights of the Kingdom; or, Customs of our Ancestours: Touching The Duty, Power, Election, or Succession of our Kings and Parliaments; our True Liberty, Due Allegiance….
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(COURT DE GÈBELIN, ANTOINE.) Histoire Naturelle de la Parole ou Prècis de l origine du Langage et de la Grammaire Universelle. Extrait du Monde Primitif.
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(KEATS, John.) The Poetical Works Of John Keats. Edited with an Introduction And Textual Notes By H. Buxton Forman, C.B.
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(STOUT, Benjamin). Cape of Good Hope and its Dependencies.
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(KEATE, Thomas.) Observations On The Fifth Report Of The Commissioners Of Military Enquiry.
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(RACKHAM, Arthur. Illustrator. INGOLDSBY, Thomas.) The Ingoldsby Legends. Or Mirth & Marvels.
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(BUCKINGHAM & CHANDOS, Duke of.) 10 Volumes of Royal Memoirs.
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(CHURCHILL, Winston. S.) My Early Life. A Roving Commission.
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(DICKENS, Charles.) The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. 
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(WARD, Adolphus William.) The Electress Sophia and the Hanoverian Succession.
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(CAPOTE, Truman.) Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
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(ROWLING, J.K.) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
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(BENNETT, George.) Gatherings Of A Naturalist In Australasia.
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(HEARNE, Thomas.) The Itinerary of John Leland The Antiquary.
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(GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER.) Three Hummingbirds Lithograph. (Eriocnemis Alinae.)
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(GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER.) Red-throated Bluebreast Lithograph. (Cyanecula Suecica.)
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(GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER.) White Tailed Velvet Breast Lithograph. (Lafresnaya Gayi.)
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(GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER.) Striated Pardalote Lithograph. (Pardalotus Striatus.)
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(GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER.) Tufted Duck Lithograph. (Fuligula Cristata.)
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(GOULD, John and H. C. RICHTER.) Spotted Crake Lithograph. (Porzana maruetta.)
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(Wolf, J and RICHTER, H.C.) Summer Plumage Lithograph. (Charadrius Pluvialis).
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(TENNYSON, Alfred Lord. BRICKDALE, Eleanor Fortescue, Artist.) Idylls of the King.
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(THOMAS, Edward.) A Centenary Celebration, With Etchings By Arthur Neal.
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(THATCHER, Margaret.) A Signed Falkland Islands Victory Commemorative Cover.
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(CONRAD, Joseph.) The Dover Patrol.
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(MAURICE, Thomas.) A Dissertation On The Oriental Trinities.
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(ARTIÑANO Y GALDÁCANO, Gervasio de.) La Arquitectura Naval Española.
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Report Of The Special Committee Of The New York Yacht Club.
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(CHURCHILL, Winston.) Typed Manuscript Proof Page Of Marlborough.
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(LEFTERI, Christy.) The Beekeeper Of Aleppo And Songbirds.
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(STUART, Douglas.) Young Mungo.
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(AUDUBON, John James.) Puffin Mormon Arcticus Chromolithograph.
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(HENNIKER, Sir Frederick.) Notes during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, The Oasis, Mount Sinai and Jerusalem.
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(BAYLEY, John.) The History And Antiquities Of The Tower Of London.
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(NICHOLS, Robert.) The Budded Branch.
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(ADIGA, Aravind.) The White Tiger.
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(HARRIS, Robert). Lustrum.
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(FITZGERALD, Edward, translator. POGÁNY, Willy, illustrator.) Rubáiyát Of Omar Khayám.
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(READ, Benjamin). View in the Colosseum Regents Park Aquatint.
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(MOORE, Roger.) James Bond Signed Photograph.
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(MOORE, Roger.) Bond On Bond.
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(MOORE, Roger.) My Word Is My Bond.
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(CARRE, John Le.) The Pigeon Tunnel. Uncorrected Proof Copy.
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